QRZ! Ham Radio 8
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 8.iso
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Assembly Source File
257 lines
; scan757.asm
; Here is sample source for a Scan TSR to be used with the MSYS
; Pactor scan command
; This example is for the Yeasu FT-757GXII. It may work for other
; Yeaus HF radios without modification. The FT-757 requires
; the following command format:
; pp pp pp pp cc
; where pp are 4 parameter bytes and cc is the operation
; to perform.
; For command 0A hex, the frequency is given in 4 bytes, using
; BCD (binary coded decimal) with the least significant byte
; first. The frequency is expressed in tens of Hz. Thus, for a frequency
; of 14,123.450 KHz, the four bytes would be
; 45 23 41 01
; The complete set of 5 bytes used to set a frequency of 7.021 MHz
; would be (in hex):
; 00 21 70 00 0A
; to produce the executable for this program, use the following
; asm scan757.asm {tasm or masm may be used}
; link scan757; {tlink may be used}
; exe2bin scan757 {makes .com file out of .exe file}
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code
main proc far
org 0
segorg equ $
org 100h
start: jmp install
port dw 0 ;control uart base address
ten dw 10 ;divisor
thousand dw 1000
freq db 'freq' ;frequency in BCD, LSB first
db 0Ah
temp db 'hhhkkkmm0' ;work space build freq
savequot dw 0
;debug db 'xx $'
putser proc near
; send char in AL
push dx
push ax
mov dx,port
add dx,5 ;line status register
wait1: in al,dx
and al,20h ;check transmit holding reg
jz wait1 ;not ready yet
pop ax
mov dx,port
out dx,al ;send char to serial port
; The following commented out lines were used for debugging. They
; displayed each byte sent to the radio in hex.
; push ax
; push bx
; push cx
; push dx
; mov ah,al
; mov cl,4
; shr al,cl
; add al,'0'
; cmp al,'9'
; jle q1
; add al,7
; mov debug,al
; and ah,15
; add ah,'0'
; cmp ah,'9'
; jle q2
; add ah,7
; mov debug+1,ah
; mov dx,offset debug
; mov ah,9
; int 21h
; pop dx
; pop cx
; pop bx
; pop ax
pop dx
putser endp
putserstr proc near
; sends string pointed to by bx, cx has number of bytes
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov al, byte ptr [bx]
call putser
inc bx
dec cx
cmp cx,0
je putserstrexit
jmp psloop
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
putserstr endp
STI ; enable interrupts
; ; If we don't we will get overruns
; ; on the serial ports for the tnc's
push ds ; save some registers
push ax
push ax ; save ax a second time
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax ; set up ds
pop ax ; get back the ax we were called with
; upon entry, dx has port address
; ax has high order part of frequency
; bx has low order part of frequency
mov port,dx
; The Yaesu manual says it wants 2 stop bits. Normally MSYS
; sets up the port for 1 stop bit. The next 5 instructions
; force the uart to 2 stop bits, 8 data bits
push ax ;save ax
add dx,3
mov al,7 ;2 stop, 8 data, no parity
out dx,al
pop ax ;restore ax
; div divides DX:AX giving quot in AX, rem in DX
mov dx,ax
mov ax,bx
; We have a bit of a problem in that the DIV instruction
; requires that the quotient will fit in a 16 bit register.
; But a frequency like 14.350, which is 14350000 in the
; long (32 bit) variable and when divided by 10 the
; quotient won't fit in 16 bits (AX).
; So here is what we will do...
; First divide the original frequency by 1000. This will
; give a quotient <= 30000 which will fit.
; The remainder from this division will be run thru the
; divide by 10 to get the digits loop three times.
; Then we take the quotient and use the same instructions
; to do the other 5 required digits
div thousand ;rem in dx, quot in ax
mov savequot,ax
mov ax,dx ;set up for divide
sub dx,dx
mov cx,3 ;number of digits
mov bx,offset temp ;place for first
div ten
add dl,'0' ;convert to ascii
mov byte ptr [bx],dl
sub dx,dx
inc bx
dec cx
cmp cx,0
jne dloop1
mov ax,savequot
sub dx,dx
mov cx,5
div ten
add dl,'0' ;convert to ascii
mov byte ptr [bx],dl
sub dx,dx
inc bx
dec cx
cmp cx,0
jne dloop2
; We now have 8 ascii bytes at temp, lsb first that is the freq
; We need to pack them into bcd, putting them at label freq
mov ah,temp+2
and ah,0Fh ;convert to bcd
mov cl,4
shl ah,cl ;shift left 4
mov al,temp+1
and al,0Fh
add ah,al
mov freq,ah
mov ah,temp+4
and ah,0Fh ;convert to bcd
shl ah,cl ;shift left 4
mov al,temp+3
and al,0Fh
add ah,al
mov freq+1,ah
mov ah,temp+6
and ah,0Fh ;convert to bcd
shl ah,cl ;shift left 4
mov al,temp+5
and al,0Fh
add ah,al
mov freq+2,ah
mov ah,temp+8
and ah,0Fh ;convert to bcd
shl ah,cl ;shift left 4
mov al,temp+7
and al,0Fh
add ah,al
mov freq+3,ah
mov cx,5
mov bx,offset freq
call putserstr
pop ax
pop ds
main endp
mov dx,offset msg1
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,offset handler
mov al,0D4h
mov ah,25h
int 21h
mov dx,(offset install - segorg +15) shr 4
mov ah,31h
int 21h
msg1 db 'Scan TSR loaded for Yeasu FT-757GXII using Int D4',13,10,'$'
code ends
end start